Ushio to Tora Completed
Author: FUJITA Kazuhiro
It centers around the travels and battles of one Aotsuki Ushio, who is constantly being stalked and aided by a gigantic, supernatural and sometimes invisible tiger (Some people describe it as akin to ...more
VOL(315) Last Updated: Apr 16,2015
Vol.35 Ch.000 - The Flame Special Express Shiranui
Apr 16,2015
Vol.34 Ch.005 - Present
Sep 04,2011
Vol.34 Ch.004 - Thunder Dance
Aug 13,2011
Vol.34 Ch.003 - Rain Falling on a Village
Aug 03,2011
Vol.34 Ch.002 - A Tale in the Shadow of Plum Trees
Aug 01,2011
Vol.34 Ch.001 - Bakemono Konjaku Monogatari
May 04,2011
Vol.33 Ch.310
Dec 29,2011
Vol.33 Ch.000 - Chapters 305 - 309: Story 54: "Till Our Lives Reach the Sun" (Parts 1 - 5); Chapters 310 - 312: Final Story: "Ushio and Tora" (Parts 1 - 3)
May 03,2011
Vol.32 Ch.304 - "To the Promised Night" (Last Part)
Apr 07,2011
Vol.32 Ch.303 - Story 53: "To the Promised Night" (First Part)
Apr 07,2011
Vol.32 Ch.302 - Part 3: The Beast Spear Resurrected
Apr 07,2011
Vol.32 Ch.301 - Part 2: Opening the Gate
Apr 07,2011
Vol.32 Ch.300 - Story 52: "Rumbling Heavens Opening the Gate": Part 1: The Meikai Gate Again
Apr 07,2011
Vol.32 Ch.299 - Part 5: Stopping the Descent, Rising Up
Apr 07,2011