Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata Completed
Author: SAKYO Aya
Drama Fantasy Supernatural Romance Smut Yaoi
Shingo and Kagami have finally understood their feelings and continued with their relationship, and for some reason, Kagami wants to take it to the next level by living together?
Series Chronologic...more
Shingo and Kagami have finally understood their feelings and continued with their relationship, and for some reason, Kagami wants to take it to the next level by living together?
Series Chronological Order [Pairing # : Volume #]
Nekoka Danshi no Shitsukekata [1:1-5]
Nekoka Kareshi no Ayashikata [2:1]
Ikezu Kareshi no Otoshikata [3:1]
Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata [4:1]
Kuroneko Kareshi no Amaekata [4:2]
Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata [4:3]
Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata [4:4]
Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata [5:1]
Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata [4:5]
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