Tetsuwan Girl

Vol.08 Ch.079 Quitting Time

Vol.01 Ch.001 Play Ball Vol.01 Ch.002 Playing Ball Vol.01 Ch.003 Girls Professional Baseball Vol.01 Ch.004 STRIKES Vol.01 Ch.005 3 Ball Match Vol.01 Ch.006 WINNING SHOT Vol.01 Ch.007 ONE HIT Vol.01 Ch.008 Determination Vol.01 Ch.009 Alone Vol.02 Ch.010 Brother Vol.02 Ch.011 A Glove Vol.02 Ch.012 Looking at the Sun Vol.02 Ch.013 Katsumi Ranzaki Vol.02 Ch.014 Kill or be Killed Vol.02 Ch.015 Fireworks Vol.02 Ch.016 Pioneer Vol.02 Ch.017 Black Candys Vol.02 Ch.018 Starting Vol.02 Ch.019 U.S. Marines Vol.02 Ch.020 First Ball Vol.03 Ch.021 Fast Ball Vol.03 Ch.022 BlockHead Vol.03 Ch.023 ZONE Vol.03 Ch.024 BORN Vol.03 Ch.025 Pulse & Breath Vol.03 Ch.026 Thank You Vol.03 Ch.027 An Honorable Defeat Vol.03 Ch.028 Arrested Vol.03 Ch.029 Negotiations Vol.03 Ch.030 Douglas MacArthur Vol.03 Ch.031 Sun & Moon Vol.04 Ch.032 FREEZE Vol.04 Ch.033 The Banks Family Vol.04 Ch.034 36 vs. 1 Vol.04 Ch.035 Loaded Vol.04 Ch.036 Crescent Moon Vol.04 Ch.037 The Culprit Vol.04 Ch.038 Back from Hell Vol.04 Ch.039 Press Conference Vol.04 Ch.040 Weather for Destruction Vol.04 Ch.041 To War Vol.05 Ch.042 Opening Pitch Vol.05 Ch.043 Surrender Vol.05 Ch.044 Door Vol.05 Ch.045 Reunion Vol.05 Ch.046 Passion Vol.05 Ch.047 14 Vol.05 Ch.048 Meeting Vol.05 Ch.049 The Iron Arm Vol.05 Ch.050 EGO Vol.05 Ch.051 Wind Vol.05 Ch.052 Treasure Vol.06 Ch.053 254,000,000 Dream Vol.06 Ch.054 Being Fascinated Vol.06 Ch.055 The Guts Vol.06 Ch.056 Dad Vol.06 Ch.057 The Big Earthquake Vol.06 Ch.058 The Flying Advent Vol.06 Ch.059 The Voice From The Sky Vol.06 Ch.060 Water Drops Vol.06 Ch.061 Haruka Torigoe Vol.06 Ch.062 Dice Vol.06 Ch.063 Business Vol.07 Ch.064 The Bond Vol.07 Ch.065 The Landing Vol.07 Ch.066 Gerald Banks Vol.07 Ch.067 Confetti Vol.07 Ch.068 Pride Vol.07 Ch.069 The Game Never Seen By Anyone Vol.07 Ch.070 A Magic Vol.07 Ch.071 Get Back Vol.07 Ch.072 Bitch Vol.07 Ch.073 The Gear Vol.08 Ch.074 The Sacrifice Vol.08 Ch.075 The Lipstick Vol.08 Ch.076 Blue Sky Vol.08 Ch.077 V Vol.08 Ch.078 Their World Vol.08 Ch.079 Quitting Time Vol.08 Ch.080 Wife Vol.08 Ch.081 The Waves Vol.08 Ch.082 Not The End Vol.08 Ch.083 Again Vol.09 Ch.084 The New Beginning Vol.09 Ch.085 Making Noise... Vol.09 Ch.086 Under The Sun That Shines Vol.09 Ch.087 Son Vol.09 Ch.088 Start Vol.09 Ch.089 The End Of The War Vol.09 Ch.090 The Great Ace Vol.09 Ch.091 Field Vol.09 Ch.092 Survive
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