
Vol.01 Ch.006 Lunch With Bob

Vol.01 Ch.001 Into The Crypt Vol.01 Ch.002 Cracking The Code Vol.01 Ch.003 Late Night Rendezvous Vol.01 Ch.004 A Close Call Vol.01 Ch.005 Cold Comfort Vol.01 Ch.006 Lunch With Bob Vol.01 Ch.007 Cake Walk Vol.01 Ch.008 The Painted Corpse Vol.02 Ch.009 The Truth Vol.02 Ch.010 First Collar Vol.02 Ch.011 The Tragedy Vol.02 Ch.012 Picking up the Pieces Vol.02 Ch.013 Deadly Orientation Vol.02 Ch.014 An Unusual Transfer Student Vol.02 Ch.015 No Escape Vol.02 Ch.016 Hard Lesson Vol.02 Ch.017 Out For Blood Vol.02 Ch.018 Secrets Revealed Vol.03 Ch.019 Explosive Situation Vol.03 Ch.020 Defusing the Bomb Vol.03 Ch.021 The Sins of Shoto High Vol.03 Ch.022 School Full of Lies Vol.03 Ch.023 Salvation Vol.03 Ch.024 Chicken Vol.03 Ch.025 Drastic Measures Vol.03 Ch.026 Three Minutes Left Vol.03 Ch.027 The Bitter End Vol.03 Ch.028 Watching Bodies Vol.04 Ch.029 Shinichi Targeted Vol.04 Ch.030 Three Stooges Vol.04 Ch.031 Runaway Truck Vol.04 Ch.032 Unexpected Criminal Vol.04 Ch.033 Kurumi's Rival Vol.04 Ch.034 The Stalker Vol.04 Ch.035 An Odious Past Vol.04 Ch.036 Shingo's Decision Vol.04 Ch.037 Sleepless Night Vol.04 Ch.038 The Suspect is...?! Vol.05 Ch.039 Enter Himuro!! Vol.05 Ch.040 Psychological Trick Vol.05 Ch.041 Reenactment Of The Scene Vol.05 Ch.042 Sniper Bob Vol.05 Ch.043 Bob>s Past Vol.05 Ch.044 Sniping Vol.05 Ch.045 Escape Vol.05 Ch.046 The Real Suspect Vol.05 Ch.047 Confrontation Vol.05 Ch.048 The Solution Vol.06 Ch.049 Peeping Tom Vol.06 Ch.050 Heartless Order Vol.06 Ch.051 Undercover in the Sex Industry Vol.06 Ch.052 Stage Names Vol.06 Ch.053 Secret Chocolate Vol.06 Ch.054 Show and Tell Vol.06 Ch.055 Faceless Woman Vol.06 Ch.056 Kurumi Captured Vol.06 Ch.057 Miscalculation Vol.06 Ch.058 Revelation Vol.07 Ch.059 Ghost from the Past Vol.07 Ch.060 A Mystery Unraveled Vol.07 Ch.061 Head Games Vol.07 Ch.062 Death Becomes Her Vol.07 Ch.063 The Usual Suspects Vol.07 Ch.064 Deputy Doofus Vol.07 Ch.065 Dial M for Murderer Vol.07 Ch.066 Bag Check Vol.07 Ch.067 Sleight of Hand Vol.07 Ch.068 Miracles Vol.08 Ch.069 Hideaway Vol.08 Ch.070 Swimming with Sharks Vol.08 Ch.071 Blood in the Water Vol.08 Ch.072 Suspicion Vol.08 Ch.073 Floating Body Vol.08 Ch.074 The Motive Vol.08 Ch.075 Promise Vol.08 Ch.076 Murder Notice Vol.08 Ch.077 Invitation Vol.08 Ch.078 Darkness Vol.09 Ch.079 Witness Vol.09 Ch.080 Entangled Motives Vol.09 Ch.081 Trick in The Dark Vol.09 Ch.082 Rose Thorn Vol.09 Ch.083 House in the Woods Vol.09 Ch.084 Tea Mystery Vol.09 Ch.085 Suspects Vol.09 Ch.086 Poison Vol.09 Ch.087 Invitation Vol.09 Ch.088 Another Mystery Vol.09 Ch.089 Resignation Vol.10 Ch.090 Security Camera Vol.10 Ch.091 Confusion Vol.10 Ch.092 Preparation Complete Vol.10 Ch.093 Run Vol.10 Ch.094 Broken Bond Vol.10 Ch.095 Torn Vol.10 Ch.096 Second Challenge Vol.10 Ch.097 Encounter Vol.10 Ch.098 Escape Vol.10 Ch.099 Grow Vol.10 Ch.100 Finale
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