Gunota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem o Tsukucchaimashita!? Ongoing 4.55
Author: MEIKYOU Shisui
Hotta Youta is killed while returning home from work on a cold evening. He wakes up being carried by a bunny-eared woman! Featuring Reincarnation, Guns and Harem, its a Gun vs Magic Story that gives H...more
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Gunota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem o Tsukucchaimashita!? (Novel)
Gunota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem o Tsukucchaimashita!? (Novel)
Isekai de Saikyou no Tsue ni Tensei shita Ore ga Iyagaru Shoujo wo Muriyari Mahou Shoujo ni P suru!
Omega ni Dake wa Naritakunai!! ~Isekai Tensei Shitara Ane no BL Manga no Nakadeshita~
Tensei Shitara Mahou to Ken no Bouken ga Matte iru to Omotte Itanoni