Daiya no A - Koushiki Guide Book
Author:Shuukan Shounen Magazine Henshuubu [Add] TERAJIMA Yuuji
Latest Chapter:Vol.02 Ch.001
Author:TERAJIMA Yuuji
Latest Chapter:Ch.317
Sequel to Diamond no Ace. Continuation of Daiya no A - our protagonists continue to advance at Koshien, the b...
Author:TERAJIMA Yuuji
Latest Chapter:Vol.47 Ch.412.5
It is a manga of high-school baseball. The main character, who is a pitcher from a country high school, accide...
Author:TERAJIMA Yuuji
Latest Chapter:Vol.03 Ch.010
Giant Step is a shounen, sports comedy. With it’s relation to Prince of Tennis being in some of the art of at...
Author:OKADA Yuki、TERAJIMA Yuuji
Latest Chapter:Ch.019
A warm comedy spinoff series from Ace of the Diamond (aka Daiya no A) written by Yuki Okada, the wife of Yuji ...
Daiya no B!! - Seidou Koukou Suisou Gakubu
Author:TERAJIMA Yuuji
Latest Chapter:Ch.032
Act I - 3 Volumes (Complete) Act II - 1 Volume (Ongoing)