Touhou Project dj - Sekai de Ichiban Onee-sama!!
Author:Millet Soup SATOU Kibi
Latest Chapter:Ch.000
Touhou dj - Inochi Nagakutomo koi Seyo Otome!!
Author:SATOU Kibi
Flandre plots against Marisa.
Touhou Project dj - Sakuya-san Shutsuen Kimarimashita!!
Author:Millet Soup SATOU Kibi
Latest Chapter:Ch.001
Touhou Project dj - Kore ga Watashi no Toshokanin!!
Author:Millet Soup SATOU Kibi
Latest Chapter:Ch.000
From Gaku Gaku Animal Land: A story about how Patchy acquired the services of a cute, energetic and loyal (...
Touhou Project dj - Alice Margatroid Wants to Find a Job!!
Author:Millet Soup (SATOU Kibi)
Latest Chapter:Ch.001
Pairing: Alice x Patchouli