Latest Chapter:Ch.031
From Lezhin: Eunsuk and Jung-gu have a complicated relationship. The easiest way to describe it would be “ro...
Latest Chapter:Ch.062
How far (or low) can an attractive body take you in a slum? Pretty and well endowed, Choi Hyungdo scrapes toge...
Latest Chapter:Vol.05 Ch.026
Umiko is a 65 year-old woman whose husband had just recently passed away. She went to the movie theater for th...
Author:John Ferrer
Latest Chapter:Vol.01 Ch.003
A strange artifact found inside a silver mine in Central America, annihilates an entire region. The two scient...
Latest Chapter:Vol.04 Ch.020.5
Latest Chapter:Vol.01 Ch.006.5
From Bunny’s Scanlations and Must Be Endless: One day, up-and-coming young photographer Franz Schumann mak...
Author:John McNamee
Latest Chapter:Ch.228
Cluster Fudge is a comic collection of whatever fudge happens to cluster in creator John McNamee’s mind on a ...
Latest Chapter:Ch.002
What is it that the detective encounters when investigating an onsen town that has seen better days...? A curi...
Author:Johny Tay
Latest Chapter:Ch.039
Zen ideas for everyday life, in super-simple pictures and words! In partnership with Lezhin, Everyday Zen pres...
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Kakuzatou to American
Author:Kotteri (TARATSUMI John)
Pairing: Murasakibara x Himuro
Author:Adrian Johnven E. Sonido John Mark Arce
Latest Chapter:Ch.012
The world changed drastically, the peace that once was alive is now buried under the facade of death and silen...