Author:HATTORI Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.07 Ch.060
From Anime Waves: Rena Misaki was a normal girl in high school in the small town of Otogi. But lately she is ...
Author:HATTORI Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.01 Ch.005
A series of yuri one-shots. The 1st is about two chilhood friends who like music and who are asked to perfo...
Author:HATTORI Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.06 Ch.036
The story of a single girl who lives in Atami, who loves to clean...
Author:ACUTTA FumieAnthologyHATTORI MitsuruINUGAMI SukuneKAZUTO IzumiKIGI TatsumiMIYAUCHI YukaNARUKO HanaharuOGAWA Kida
Latest Chapter:Vol.19 Ch.040
A bimonthly yuri anthology/magazine. (Only oneshots with no page of their own listed) Volume 1: ? Love ...
Author:HATTORI Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.11 Ch.056.5
Furuya’s obsessed with zombies. He collects any figurines, watches any movie, and plays any game with the liv...
Jingai no Yome to ichaicha suru - Anthology Comic
Author:Amatou gum HATTORI Mitsuru HIYAMA Daisuke KAGA Mitsuki Mintarou NISHIZONO Fumiko Rage [Add] Rishin solopipB T
Latest Chapter:Vol.02 Ch.014
A collection of oneshots about monster girl wives (and more!).
Author:HATTORI Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.09 Ch.129
From ANN: Kaname Okiura, a student of Prefectoral Umineko Shougyou High (“Umisho“ for short), joined the sc...
Author:Hattori Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.05 Ch.041
Ever since middle school, Takahiro Ozu was famous in the world of track and field as the “long jump specialis...
Author:HATTORI Mitsuru
Latest Chapter:Vol.02 Ch.025
Without a single friend, middle schooler Chigawa Kon lives on a small island and laments that she hasn’t “fa...