The Sword Interval

Ch.120 Indirect Paths

Ch.001 Prologue Ch.002 The Titanfolly Vanishings Ch.003 Help Wanted Ch.004 Flies in the Alley Ch.005 Bachelor Pad Ch.006 Biggest Fan Ch.007 Pedal to the Metal Ch.008 Suspect Ch.009 Gross Noodle Hands Ch.010 Point Blank Shot Ch.011 Tracking the Beast Ch.012 The Culprit Ch.013 Messing with Magic Ch.014 Collapse Ch.015 Newsworthy Ch.016 On the Road Ch.017 O Child Ch.018 A Cabin in the Woods Ch.019 Shedding Skin Ch.020 Two Down Ch.021 One To Go Ch.022 Half Empty Ch.023 Smashing Dragons Ch.024 A Doomed Race Ch.025 The Artifact Ch.026 Parting Words Ch.027 Skeet Shooting Ch.028 The Dead Man's Compass Ch.029 Hazy Ch.030 Shattered Ch.031 Snowfall Ch.032 Like Any Day Ch.033 Decaffeinated Ch.034 Here There Be Dragons Ch.035 Hair Raising Ch.036 Hey Batter Batter! Ch.037 Making It Difficult Ch.038 Weapon of Legend Ch.039 Do Not Steal Ch.040 Meltdown Ch.041 Wrapping Things Up Ch.042 Out of Hiding Ch.043 Collecting the Bounty Ch.044 Field of Sunflowers Ch.045 Descent Ch.046 The Broughton Hall Haunting Ch.047 The Visage Ch.047.5 Sick Day Filler Ch.048 Basilisk Ch.049 Bad Luck Ch.050 Stone Cold Ch.051 A Nice Sentiment Ch.052 Lost Time Ch.053 History of the Hall Ch.054 Retraced Steps Ch.055 Footsteps Ch.056 Playback Ch.057 Take a Look Ch.058 Found Footage Ch.059 Ser-Penthouse Ch.060 Fresh Blood Ch.061 Tea Time Ch.062 Big Questions Ch.063 Dragged Down Ch.064 Pulled Up Ch.065 Shut Doors Ch.066 Let's Split Up, Gang Ch.067 Don't Scream Ch.068 Eyes in the Storm Ch.069 the Flood Is Imminent Ch.070 Cracked Ch.071 Bleed them Dry Ch.072 Snapped Ch.073 Shattered Ch.074 A Short Lived Respite Ch.075 Break on Through Ch.076 Three Faces Unveiled Ch.077 Grave of the Father Ch.078 Spirit Bomb Ch.079 Silence in the Halls Ch.080 How To Kill a Lich Ch.081 The Sword Interval 81 Ch.082 House of Dolls Ch.083 Object 9383 Ch.084 He Was Right Ch.085 Oaths Ch.086 Nanisivik, 1983 Ch.087 The Silence Deafens Ch.088 Lady Rue Ch.089 Heartache Ch.090 Old Wounds Ch.091 Welcome to Sugar Fen Ch.092 Stampede Ch.093 Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Ch.094 He Really Liked Those Plants Ch.095 Memorial Behemoth Ch.096 The Barricade Ch.097 The Spell Eater Ch.098 Let It Be Loud Ch.099 A Thing of Fiction Ch.100 The Wizards of Odds Ch.101 Truths Lies and Promises Ch.102 Expressions Ch.103 Redcaps​ Ch.104 Still Not A Robot​ Ch.105 Scared of the Answer​ Ch.106 Exploiting Vulnerabilities Ch.107 Assault on the Feywild Ch.108 False Assurance Ch.109 Ypres, 1915 Ch.110 Who You Gonna Call Ch.111 Gasoline Ch.112 The Sugar Contract Ch.113 Misfortune Ch.114 Catch​ Ch.115 Too Soft​ Ch.116 A Favor​ Ch.117 Broken Memories Ch.118 Liar Ch.119 Shrouds and Roads Ch.120 Indirect Paths Ch.121 A Hard Pill to Swallow Ch.122 Follow Through​ Ch.123 Making a Call Ch.124 Witchmoot Ch.125 Flowers and Shadows Ch.126 Weight of the World Ch.127 As we Stand in the Sun Ch.128 See No Evil Ch.129 Bad Omens Ch.130 Hunter's Mark​ Ch.131 Crows Ch.132 Smoke in your Eyes Ch.133 Rocket Ch.134 Closing In Ch.135 Up to Bat Ch.136 Alex Ch.137 Why You Do It​ Ch.138 Be Still Ch.139 This Strange Gold Soul Ch.140 Round Two Ch.141 Warrior Road​ Ch.142 Golem Guard Ch.143 Red Rover, Red Rover Ch.144 Unkillable Beasts​ Ch.145 This Fate Stuff Ch.146 Fall-Can Punch​ Ch.147 To the Rescue Ch.148 Zero Out Ch.149 All Caught Up
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