Scarlet Act ENG Ongoing
Author: Lainess
Action Horror Yaoi
Our main character, Jan Linder, the young artist desided to go against his parents volition to achieve his goals and he tries luck among New York’s big skyscrapers. He didn’t suspect yet that his d...more
Our main character, Jan Linder, the young artist desided to go against his parents volition to achieve his goals and he tries luck among New York’s big skyscrapers. He didn’t suspect yet that his desperate act is just a start of a pre-planned chainreaction what lead him to a bar called $carlet Act. He meets with Rip van Scarlet, his prospective boss who is very helpful and measured, but that’s make him somewhat creepy. Our hero feel the place’s doubtful atmosphere from the first moment, but we all know: the money is a big master. After a little persuasion he took the job as a waiter to be able to pay his art classes. But his plans has been ruined from the moment he crossed the threshold...
The bar in fact is a centre for the spies, hackers, and players of the underworld. Every centre has signed by this “act“ hyponim and there’s countless installaiton with this camouflage around the world, include the $carlet Act, too. Jan was one of them, the $carlet Act’s masterspy - back then he was known as “Ace“. But the devils of the past doesn’t let the boy to rest, neither his former boss, Rip Van Scarlet. He got a new assignment where his partner is a sex-maniac sociopath, Cha, whose this is the final chance before his sack. And the task is harder than Ace’s cases were so far: liquidate the Acts. All of them.
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