Samurai Deeper Kyo

Vol.17 Ch.138 Inferno's Chill

Ch.004 Ch.005 Ch.006 Ch.007 Ch.008 Ch.009 Vol.01 Ch.001 Kyoshiro Mibu Vol.01 Ch.002 Demon Eyes Kyo Vol.01 Ch.003 The Femme Fatale Ch.012 Ch.013 Ch.016 Ch.019 Ch.020 Vol.02 Ch.010 Yuya, the Passionate Battle Vol.02 Ch.011 The Cherry Tree and the Crow Vol.02 Ch.014 The Third One Vol.03 Ch.015 Conspiracy Vol.03 Ch.017 White Crow's Attack Vol.03 Ch.018 Covered by Cherry Tree Flowers, the Crow Flies and Can't Stop Crying Vol.03 Ch.021 The One Who Beat Demon Eyes Kyo Vol.03 Ch.022 Genjiro Vol.03 Ch.023 The Arrival in Edo Ch.033 Ch.036 Ch.037 Ch.038 Ch.039 Ch.040 Vol.04 Ch.024 The Spider-Woman Vol.04 Ch.025 The Beginning of the Great Tourament Vol.04 Ch.026 Ambition in the Moonlight Vol.04 Ch.027 The Eve of the Final Day Vol.04 Ch.028 The Memory of the Demon Vol.04 Ch.029 The Battle of the Mighty Vol.04 Ch.030 Honesty and Pride Vol.04 Ch.031 The Song of the Victor Vol.04 Ch.032 The Advent of the Three Demons Ch.041 Ch.045 Ch.047 Vol.05 Ch.034 At the Frontier of Death Vol.05 Ch.035 The Difference of a Step Vol.06 Ch.042 Believe Me... Vol.06 Ch.043 The One Vol.06 Ch.044 The Hidden Skills Vol.06 Ch.046 Hour of Death Vol.06 Ch.048 Huge Star Vol.06 Ch.049 Behind the Smiling Facade Vol.06 Ch.050 Child of Aokigahara Vol.07 Ch.051 Demon Sword Muramasa Vol.07 Ch.052 The Night Visitor Vol.07 Ch.053 The World's Most Vol.07 Ch.054 Kyo's Shameful Defeat! Vol.07 Ch.055 Awakening of the Demon Vol.07 Ch.056 Open Your Eyes, Onime no Kyo Vol.07 Ch.057 Shindara's Purpose Vol.07 Ch.058 Friends Meet Vol.07 Ch.059 The Invaded Forbidden Territory Vol.08 Ch.060 The Huge Shining Star Vol.08 Ch.061 Lone Wolf Vol.08 Ch.062 The Man with a Scar on His Back Vol.08 Ch.063 The Bloody Red Place Vol.08 Ch.064 The Opened Gate Vol.08 Ch.065 The Gatekeepers Vol.08 Ch.066 The Reappearance of the Big Star Vol.08 Ch.067 Gate of Doom 1st Battle Vol.08 Ch.068 Gate of Doom 2nd Battle Vol.09 Ch.069 Gate of Doom 3rd Battle Vol.09 Ch.070 Gate of Doom 4th Battle Vol.09 Ch.071 Gate of Doom 5th Battle Vol.09 Ch.072 Gate of Doom 6th Battle Vol.09 Ch.073 Gate of Doom 7th Battle Vol.09 Ch.074 Gate of Doom 8th Battle Vol.09 Ch.075 Gate of Doom 9th Battle Vol.09 Ch.076 Gate of Doom 10th Battle Vol.10 Ch.077 Gate of Doom 11th Battle Vol.10 Ch.078 Gate of Doom 12th Battle Vol.10 Ch.079 Chance Meeting Vol.10 Ch.080 Final Attack Vol.10 Ch.081 Gate of Doom Epilogue! Vol.10 Ch.082 Things You've Lost, Things You've Gained Vol.10 Ch.083 Medicine Box Vol.10 Ch.084 The Opened Path Vol.10 Ch.085 One Eyed Men Vol.11 Ch.086 Botenmaru Vol.11 Ch.087 The Shiseiten! Vol.11 Ch.088 The Seiten Who Was Attacked Vol.11 Ch.089 The Assasins Sent by the Gods Vol.11 Ch.090 The Divine Clan Vol.11 Ch.090.5 Vol.12 Ch.091 Dance of the Long Sword Vol.12 Ch.092 Mumyosaikyo Seven Watersplit Dragon Vol.12 Ch.093 The Wonders of the Mumyojinpuryu Vol.12 Ch.094 The Bet with Shinrei! Vol.12 Ch.095 The Unbreakable Bond... Vol.12 Ch.096 The Successor of the Mumyojinpuryu Vol.12 Ch.097 The Power of God... Vol.12 Ch.098 Hokurakushimon Vol.13 Ch.099 The Resounding Roar of the Tiger Vol.13 Ch.100 Raikoken Vol.13 Ch.101 The Lightning of Loyalty Vol.13 Ch.102 The Long Night's End Vol.13 Ch.103 An Unfortunate Woman Vol.13 Ch.104 Hotaru Vol.13 Ch.105 Kaho Enbu Vol.13 Ch.106 The Fight of the Fourth Year Vol.14 Ch.107 The Demon's Return Vol.14 Ch.108 Love and Peace Vol.14 Ch.109 The Joker Vol.14 Ch.110 Two Sins Vol.14 Ch.111 The Body Vol.14 Ch.112 The Bearer of the Crimson Cross Vol.14 Ch.113 Devils in White Vol.14 Ch.114 Twelve Hours Vol.15 Ch.115 The Village by the Castle Vol.15 Ch.116 Heart's Color Vol.15 Ch.117 Vol.15 Ch.118 Gap of Time Vol.15 Ch.119 The Strings of Fate Vol.15 Ch.120 Life Laboratory Vol.15 Ch.121 Tears Vol.15 Ch.122 Blood Pact Vol.16 Ch.123 Strength of Lonliness Vol.16 Ch.124 The Strongest Flame Vol.16 Ch.125 To Be Stuck Vol.16 Ch.126 Suzaku Vol.16 Ch.127 Two Fire Birds Vol.16 Ch.128 Way Vol.16 Ch.129 The Secret of His Strength Vol.16 Ch.130 The Reunion of the Companions Vol.17 Ch.131 The Regrets of the Dead Vol.17 Ch.132 A Warrior's Spirit Vol.17 Ch.133 Ice Castle Vol.17 Ch.134 Hyoukenseisou! Vol.17 Ch.135 Far Behind Vol.17 Ch.136 Far Ahead Vol.17 Ch.137 Death of a Dead Person Vol.17 Ch.138 Inferno's Chill Vol.18 Ch.139 Doubt Vol.18 Ch.140 The Jewel's Resting Place Vol.18 Ch.141 The One Who Dreams Vol.18 Ch.142 The Third Keeper Vol.18 Ch.143 Rain Vol.18 Ch.144 Execution Game Vol.18 Ch.145 The Final Blow Vol.18 Ch.146 The Demon Enraged Vol.19 Ch.147 End It Vol.19 Ch.148 Phoenix Vol.19 Ch.149 Mahiro's Truth Vol.19 Ch.150 Faith Vol.19 Ch.151 Fourth Watcher Vol.19 Ch.152 As a Person Vol.19 Ch.153 Ashura, God of Battle Vol.19 Ch.154 Compassion vs Cruelty Vol.20 Ch.155 Surpassing the Old Vol.20 Ch.156 Fifty by Fifty Vol.20 Ch.157 The Weight of Hope Vol.20 Ch.158 Towards the Glistening Light Vol.20 Ch.159 The Truth of Shina Yuya Vol.20 Ch.160 Fugitive Vol.20 Ch.161 The Priceless Treasure Vol.20 Ch.162 Cremation Vol.21 Ch.163 The Last Goyoumon Gate Vol.21 Ch.164 The Rampage of Mibu Warrior Vol.21 Ch.165 A Pace of a Dance Vol.21 Ch.166 Wings of Flight Vol.21 Ch.167 The Second Firebird Vol.21 Ch.168 Lies and Turth Vol.21 Ch.169 Brothers Divided Vol.21 Ch.170 Binding Shackles Vol.22 Ch.171 Anguish Vol.22 Ch.172 Demon Vol.22 Ch.173 A-White Beast Vol.22 Ch.174 Unbind Shackles Vol.22 Ch.175 True Power Vol.22 Ch.176 Last Shiseiten Vol.22 Ch.177 Akari-chan Vol.22 Ch.178 Restless Spirit Vol.23 Ch.179 Shisheiten in Action Vol.23 Ch.180 Invincible Vol.23 Ch.181 The Path Vol.23 Ch.182 Take Tombo Vol.23 Ch.183 Breaking the Chrysalis Vol.23 Ch.184 To be Called a Monster Vol.23 Ch.185 A Warm Hand Vol.23 Ch.186 Vol.24 Ch.187 Vol.24 Ch.188 Vol.24 Ch.189 A Shattered Bond Vol.24 Ch.190 Mark of Friendship Vol.24 Ch.191 Awakening of Sasuke Vol.24 Ch.192 Controller Vol.24 Ch.193 Fireworks Vol.24 Ch.194 Enemies Within Vol.25 Ch.195 Ultimate Secret Style of Inverted Eight Level Lance Vol.25 Ch.196 The Decisive It Vol.25 Ch.197 Kubira's Belief Vol.25 Ch.198 The Deadly Disease Vol.25 Ch.199 A Samurai's Wrath Vol.25 Ch.200 This is the Right Path Vol.25 Ch.201 The Betrayer Vol.25 Ch.202 The Master Of Proverbs Vol.26 Ch.203 Nature Of A Beast Vol.26 Ch.204 Upbringing Vol.26 Ch.205 Say Goodbye to the Real Samurai Vol.26 Ch.206 The Traitor Vol.26 Ch.207 The Precendent Crimson King Vol.26 Ch.208 Vol.26 Ch.209 Vol.26 Ch.210 Vol.27 Ch.211 An Awkward Loyalty Vol.27 Ch.212 The Most Evil Duel Vol.27 Ch.213 Samurai Fun Vol.27 Ch.214 We Are Having Nabe Today Vol.27 Ch.215 Welcome to the Onmyo-Temple Vol.27 Ch.216 Nr.13 Vol.27 Ch.217 The Happy Brothers Vol.27 Ch.218 The Lady in the Toilet Vol.28 Ch.219 The Watcher of the Wind Vol.28 Ch.220 Vol.28 Ch.221 A Winning Lie Vol.28 Ch.222 Underground Heaven Vol.28 Ch.223 The Other One Who Posseses Red Eye Vol.28 Ch.224 Tokito of Taishiro Vol.28 Ch.225 Bontenmaru, A Man Vol.28 Ch.226 Dream In a Daylight Vol.29 Ch.227 The 6th Lord of Hell Can Never Die! Vol.29 Ch.228 Zombie Army Vol.29 Ch.229 Destructive Power! Vol.29 Ch.230 I lo... Vol.29 Ch.231 Never!! Vol.29 Ch.232 Yuya.. What Are You Going To Do Here? Vol.29 Ch.233 No Nozomu..?! Vol.29 Ch.234 Kyo Beat Nobunaga! Vol.30 Ch.235 The Proof Of a King Vol.30 Ch.236 Orders To Destroy Kyoshiro Vol.30 Ch.237 What is With These Masks? Vol.30 Ch.238 We Will... Kill Them Vol.30 Ch.239 How Are You Planning To Fight Him? Vol.30 Ch.240 On My Way Vol.30 Ch.241 Limits And Miracles Vol.30 Ch.242 And There... Vol.31 Ch.243 Fight at Somewhere More Appropriate Vol.31 Ch.244 The Form of the Non-Form Vol.31 Ch.245 Spin Three Times and Bark Vol.31 Ch.246 Firefly Light Vol.31 Ch.247 An Unbreaking Soul Vol.31 Ch.248 A Tale of Flame Vol.31 Ch.249 The Final Lesson Vol.31 Ch.250 Love Love * Trouble Vol.32 Ch.251 Guerilla Hideout Vol.32 Ch.252 Akira All Alone Vol.32 Ch.253 Your Back Vol.32 Ch.254 The Left Blade Vol.32 Ch.255 Ultra Freezing Point Vol.32 Ch.256 A Moment with the Holy Mother Vol.32 Ch.257 A Miracle of Fate Vol.32 Ch.258 The Distance to His Back Vol.33 Ch.259 Animal Trail Vol.33 Ch.260 The Pulse of a Great Mind Vol.33 Ch.261 The Superior Man Is Wise Vol.33 Ch.262 Playing Tag Vol.33 Ch.263 Miscalculation Vol.33 Ch.264 Promise Vol.33 Ch.265 Pawn Vol.33 Ch.266 The Samurai Vol.34 Ch.267 A Fleeting Dream Vol.34 Ch.268 Once in Your Life Vol.34 Ch.269 Vol.34 Ch.270 Vol.34 Ch.271 The Broken God of Water Vol.34 Ch.272 Vol.34 Ch.273 The Truth Vol.34 Ch.274 Vol.35 Ch.275 Daydream Vol.35 Ch.276 Vol.35 Ch.277 Vol.35 Ch.278 The Sun that DId Not Set Vol.35 Ch.279 Heat Haze Vol.35 Ch.280 Vol.35 Ch.281 Vol.35 Ch.282 Passing the Torch Vol.36 Ch.283 Yin and YangOne Sword, Two Sides Vol.36 Ch.284 Vol.36 Ch.285 Vol.36 Ch.286 Yin and YangThe Four SwordsShowdown Between the True Red Eyes Vol.36 Ch.287 Yin and Yang - The Fifth Sword -Connection Vol.36 Ch.288 Yin & Yang - The Sixth SwordRain of Despair Vol.36 Ch.289 The Sanzu River Vol.36 Ch.290 The Power of Faith Vol.37 Ch.291 The Power of Belief Vol.37 Ch.292 Remembrances Vol.37 Ch.293 Vol.37 Ch.294 Yin and Yang - The Twelveth Sword - A Lonely Blade Vol.37 Ch.295 "Sins" Vol.37 Ch.296 Punishment Vol.37 Ch.297 Vol.37 Ch.298 The Terrible God - the Second Sword Vol.37 Ch.299 The Terrible God - The Fourth Sword - "Wrath of Heaven" Vol.38 Ch.300 Vol.38 Ch.301 Vol.38 Ch.302 Vol.38 Ch.303 The Terrible God - the Eighth Sword - "A Voice" Vol.38 Ch.304 The Terrible God - The Nineth Sword - "Wish" Vol.38 Ch.305 Vol.38 Ch.306 Vol.38 Ch.307 The One who create History Vol.38 Ch.308 Bonus
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