Love Riron

Vol.05 Ch.037 Aiya's Secret

Ch.005 Saki? Or Aiya? Vol.01 Ch.001 It sure is tough, huh? Theory Vol.01 Ch.002 Debut Theory Vol.01 Ch.003 The "Fashion Bitch" Theory Vol.01 Ch.004 The "Self Depreciation" Theory Vol.01 Ch.005 The Skin-Deep Kindness Theory Vol.01 Ch.006 The "Infatuation Diversification" Theory(Part 1) Vol.01 Ch.007 The "Infatuation Diversification" Theory(Part 2) Vol.01 Ch.008 The "Team Japan" Theory Vol.02 Ch.009 The "Hama-Chan" Theory Vol.02 Ch.010 The "Home Field" Theory Vol.02 Ch.011 The "Out At Second" Theory(Part 1) Vol.02 Ch.012 The "Out At Second" Theory(Part 2) Vol.02 Ch.013 Kanjurou is on the scene Vol.02 Ch.014 the "Edison" Theory Vol.02 Ch.015 The "Surprise" Theory(Part 1) Vol.02 Ch.016 The "Surprise" Theory(Part 2) Vol.02 Ch.017 The "Surprise" Theory(Part 3) Vol.03 Ch.018 The "Surprise" Theory(Part 4) Vol.03 Ch.019 The "Pickup" Theory(Part 1) Vol.03 Ch.020 The "Pickup" Theory(Part 2) Vol.03 Ch.021 The "Pickup" Theory(Part 3) Vol.03 Ch.022 The "Pickup" Theory(Part 4) Vol.03 Ch.023 A New Classmate Vol.03 Ch.024 The "Tsunayoshi" Theory(Part 1) Vol.03 Ch.025 The "Tsunayoshi" Theory(Part 2) Vol.03 Ch.026 The "Tsunayoshi" Theory(Part 3) Vol.04 Ch.027 The "Tsunayoshi" Theory(Part 4) Vol.04 Ch.028 The "Away Game" Theory(Part 1) Vol.04 Ch.029 The "Away Game" Theory(Part 2) Vol.04 Ch.030 Graduation... Vol.04 Ch.031 The "BTO" Theory(Part 1) Vol.04 Ch.032 The "BTO" Theory(Part 2) Vol.04 Ch.033 The "Straw Millionaire" Theory(Part 1) Vol.04 Ch.034 The "Straw Milionaire" Theory(Part 2) Vol.05 Ch.035 The "Straw Millionaire" Theory Vol.05 Ch.036 Saki's Past Vol.05 Ch.036.5 Valentine's Bonus Chapter Vol.05 Ch.037 Aiya's Secret Vol.05 Ch.038 The “Frist Love" Theory(Part 1) Vol.05 Ch.039 The "First Love" Theory(Part 2) Vol.05 Ch.040 The "Love & Sex" Theory Vol.05 Ch.041 The "I Understand" Theory Vol.05 Ch.042 Saki? Or Aiya? Vol.05 Ch.043 The Truth About This World
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