Caution to under-aged viewers: The series Henkyou no Yakushi, Miyako de S Rank Boukensha to naru contain themes or scenes that may not be suitable for very young readers thus is blocked for their protection. If you are 18 and above, Please click here to continue reading.
Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S Rank ni Natteta
Arafo Boukensha, Densetsu ni Naru - SS Rank no MUsume ni Kyouka Saretara SSS Rank ni Narimashita
Saitei Rank no Boukensha, Yuusha Shoujo wo Sodateru Orette
Mannen D-rank No Chuunen Boukensha, Yotta Ikioi De Densetsu No Ken Wo Hikkonuku