Christmas Eve Present Completed
Author: WAKO
One Shot Adult Yuri
WAKO’s “Presents on Christmas Eve“ (or, as Syk and I prefer to call it, “All I Want For Christmas is Surprise Lesbian Sex“), is about learning to overcome the pain of the past and live in the pre...more
WAKO’s “Presents on Christmas Eve“ (or, as Syk and I prefer to call it, “All I Want For Christmas is Surprise Lesbian Sex“), is about learning to overcome the pain of the past and live in the present. Or, as we prefer to describe it: “You raped me? How could you do that, that’s so awful!“ “But I’m a woman.“ “Oh, OK, then. Lesbian rape is great. Can I have your name now?“ “No. Less talk, more sex!“ (From Lililicious)
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