Chronicles of the Cursed Sword

Vol.03 Ch.011 11 Cruel Memories \ 12 The Thunder and Lightning Dervishes \ 13 Rey's Secret

Vol.01 Ch.000.1 Vol.01 Ch.001 1 Two Sacred Swords \ 2 Jaryoon, King of Hahyun \ 3 The Raid Vol.01 Ch.002 Vol.01 Ch.003 Vol.01 Ch.004 4 A Common Enemy \ 5 Soul of the PaSa Sword Vol.01 Ch.005 Vol.02 Ch.000.2 8 A Decoy \ 9 The Rage of the PaSa Sword \ 10 Rey's Resolution Vol.02 Ch.006 6 Rey's Madness \ 7 The Demon Tree Vol.02 Ch.007 Vol.02 Ch.008 Vol.02 Ch.009 Vol.02 Ch.010 Vol.03 Ch.011 11 Cruel Memories \ 12 The Thunder and Lightning Dervishes \ 13 Rey's Secret Vol.03 Ch.012 Vol.03 Ch.013 Vol.03 Ch.014 14 A Single Hope \ 15 The Tansa Monster Vol.03 Ch.015 Vol.04 Ch.016 16 Training Session \ 17 The Way of Chastity \ 18 Timura Oshu Vol.04 Ch.017 Vol.04 Ch.018 Vol.04 Ch.019 19 The Decision \ Cursed Sword Postscript Vol.05 Ch.020 20 A New Master for the PaChun Sword \ 21 Shyao's Resolution Vol.05 Ch.021 Vol.05 Ch.022 22 The Test \ 23 Hyacia Vol.05 Ch.023 Vol.06 Ch.024 24 The PaSa Sword Reborn \ 25 The Armor of Dead Souls Vol.06 Ch.025 Vol.06 Ch.026 26 Jaryoon's Change of Heart \ 27 An Achilles' Heel Vol.06 Ch.027 Vol.07 Ch.028 28 Mujin Fortress \ 29 Lady Sohwa Revealed Vol.07 Ch.029 Vol.07 Ch.030 30 The Way of the Sword \ 31 Shyao's Decision Vol.07 Ch.031 Vol.08 Ch.032 32 A Cold Heart \ 33 Reunited, Only to Part \ 34 A Divided Soul \ Supplement 1 Red Moon \ Supplement 2 Character File Vol.08 Ch.033 Vol.08 Ch.034 Vol.09 Ch.035 35 Mountain of Demons \ 36 Measure of Despair \ 37 Visitors from the Demon Realm Vol.09 Ch.036 Vol.09 Ch.037 Vol.10 Ch.038 38 A Decision \ 39 Lady Shuangpang's Secret \ 40 A Look Inside \ 41 Temptation Vol.10 Ch.039 Vol.10 Ch.040 Vol.10 Ch.041 Vol.11 Ch.042 42 Betrayed \ 43 Reunion \ 44 The Heavenly Tiger \ 45 Storming the Fortress of the Sorcerers Vol.11 Ch.043 Vol.11 Ch.044 Vol.11 Ch.045 Vol.12 Ch.046 46 The Dreadnoughts \ 47 Sorcerer Kumwa, the Golden Toad \ 48 Undead or Alive \ 49 Hyulaum, Sorcerer of the Sword \ 50 The Pillar of Enchanted Souls Vol.12 Ch.047 Vol.12 Ch.048 Vol.12 Ch.049 Vol.12 Ch.050 Vol.13 Ch.051 51 The Soul-Scattering Hammer \ 52 Clash of Sorcerers \ 53 The Sorcerer King \ 54 Fistfight Vol.13 Ch.052 Vol.13 Ch.053 Vol.13 Ch.054 Vol.14 Ch.055 55 Spellbound \ 56 The Escape \ 57 Obliteration \ 58 The Return Vol.14 Ch.056 Vol.14 Ch.057 Vol.14 Ch.058 Vol.15 Ch.059 59 Explosion \ 60 To the Great Azure Pavilion \ 61 Sages' Defeat \ 62 Mother ?! Vol.15 Ch.060 Vol.15 Ch.061 Vol.15 Ch.062 Vol.16 Ch.063 63 Forbidden Love \ 64 The Battle for the Great Azure Pavilion \ 65 Incantation to Dispel Demon Souls \ 66 the Sages' Last Stand?! Vol.16 Ch.064 Vol.16 Ch.065 Vol.16 Ch.066 Vol.17 Ch.067 67 Destruction of the Great Azure Pavilion \ 68 The Heavenly Beacon Vol.17 Ch.068 Vol.17 Ch.069 69 The Sealing of the Divine Realm \ 70 Hyunbing and Yumno Vol.17 Ch.070 Vol.18 Ch.071 71 Unification \ 72 The Dog Clan \ 73 Taorun's Past \ 74 Off to Mujin Fortress Vol.18 Ch.072 Vol.18 Ch.073 Vol.18 Ch.074 Vol.19 Ch.075 75 Onward into Mujin Tower \ 76 Enter Jukwol \ 77 Sealing the Heavenly Realm Vol.19 Ch.076 Vol.19 Ch.077 Vol.20 Ch.078 Shouren's Past Vol.20 Ch.079 Alliance of the Human and Demon Realms Vol.20 Ch.080 Vol.20 Ch.080.1 Moving Forward! Vol.20 Ch.080.2 [Continuation] Vol.21 Ch.081 Nymphs Vol.21 Ch.082 Vol.21 Ch.082.1 Feathers of the Dark Spirit Vol.21 Ch.082.2 [Continuation] Vol.21 Ch.083 Eyes of Wisdom Vol.22 Ch.084 Jade Tower Vol.22 Ch.085 85 Two Wings \ 86 Infitration Vol.22 Ch.086 Vol.22 Ch.087 Ice Arrows Vol.23 Ch.088 Alliance Vol.23 Ch.089 Read Online Vol.23 Ch.090 Straight-Forward Direction Vol.23 Ch.091 Vs Yuk Mukong Vol.23 Ch.092 Read Online Vol.23 Ch.092.1 Vol.23 Ch.092.2 Read Online Vol.23 Ch.093 Read Online Vol.24 Ch.091.1 Vol.24 Ch.091.2 Vol.24 Ch.093.1 Read Online Vol.24 Ch.093.2 The Third Prince Vol.24 Ch.094 Read Online Vol.25 Ch.094.1 The Force of Black and White Vol.25 Ch.095 Read Online Vol.25 Ch.095.1 Shedding Skin Vol.25 Ch.095.2 Shedding Skin 2 Vol.25 Ch.096 Vol.25 Ch.096.1 The Heavenly Army Descends Vol.25 Ch.096.2 The Heavenly Army Descends 2 Vol.26 Ch.097 To the Demon Realm! Vol.26 Ch.098 Womb Vol.26 Ch.099 Gate-keeper Vol.26 Ch.100 The Qualifying Examination Vol.26 Ch.101 Vol.27 Ch.102 Vol.27 Ch.103 The Second Trial Vol.27 Ch.104 The Gong Vol.27 Ch.105 Vol.27 Ch.106
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