Shin Kotaro Makaritoru

Vol.10 Ch.004 Hotei's Class Act!

Vol.01 Ch.001 Judo Girl Appears! Vol.01 Ch.002 Kyokutan Applicant? Vol.01 Ch.003 Guy from First Judo! Vol.01 Ch.004 Judo Girl's Big Crisis! Vol.02 Ch.001 Strongest on the Planet? Kyokutan Karate! Vol.02 Ch.002 The Oujo-sama's Plot Vol.02 Ch.003 Mr. Squid's Tornado Seionage! Vol.03 Ch.001 Kotaro vs. Squid-san in Judo! Vol.03 Ch.002 Kyokutan-ryo Throw Counter - Neko Yanagi Vol.03 Ch.003 Squid-san Gets Serious! Vol.03 Ch.004 The Real Tornado Seoinage Vol.03 Ch.005 Kyokutan-ryu Judo Club Start! Vol.04 Ch.001 "Loser" Sanshiro's Talent? Vol.04 Ch.002 Sanshiro vs. Momotaro White Belt Fight! Vol.04 Ch.003 Resurrection! President Tarako's Conspiracy! Vol.04 Ch.004 Search for New Dojo! Vol.04 Ch.005 Granny's a "Red" Belt Judoka! Vol.05 Ch.001 Kyokutan-ryu's Training Excursion Vol.05 Ch.002 13th "Fight" Judo Club Vol.05 Ch.003 Former Olympic Reserve Samejima! Vol.05 Ch.004 Sanshiro's Senpou Battle Vol.05 Ch.005 The Yama Arashi Appears! Vol.06 Ch.001 Daigo's Stubbornness! Vol.06 Ch.002 I am Sumo! Vol.06 Ch.003 Secret Underground Training! Vol.06 Ch.004 Assassinate Mayumi! Vol.06 Ch.005 Autumn of Troubles! Vol.06 Ch.006 Competition Starts! Vol.07 Ch.001 Kyokutan-ryu vs. Arm Wrestling Club Vol.07 Ch.002 The Secret of "Kuzushi"! Vol.07 Ch.003 Who's the Rep? Vol.07 Ch.004 Sanshiro's Big Struggle! Vol.08 Ch.001 The FIrst Judo Club Competes Vol.08 Ch.002 Miaosanro Hirula's Case File (SPECIAL) Vol.08 Ch.003 "Su" Fighting Club Arrives! Vol.08 Ch.004 The Strength of the Thirteenth Fight Judo Club Vol.08 Ch.005 Sumo and Judo, Who's the Best? Vol.09 Ch.001 The Double Exposed! Vol.09 Ch.002 Full Power! Sumo Showdown! Vol.09 Ch.003 Momotaro Enters the Arena Vol.09 Ch.004 Nichonage vs. O Soto Gari Vol.09 Ch.005 Sumo's Weakness Vol.10 Ch.001 Surprise! Mayumi's Skill on the Mat! Vol.10 Ch.002 Chaos! Feverish Kumi Rampages Through the Tournament! Vol.10 Ch.003 "Invincible" Sanshiro vs. "Department Store of Super Skills" Hotei Vol.10 Ch.004 Hotei's Class Act! Vol.10 Ch.005 Explosive! Yama Arashi Appears! Vol.11 Ch.001 Kyokutan-ryu Enters the Finals! Vol.11 Ch.002 The TLW Appreciation Society Arrives! Vol.11 Ch.003 Tachine the Hentai's Specialty is? Vol.11 Ch.004 The Terrifying Tachine-ryu Newaza Moves! Vol.11 Ch.005 Ultimate Newaza? Kosen Judo! Vol.12 Ch.001 Long Time No See!! The Penis Dancing Tricks Competition Vol.12 Ch.002 Kotaro vs. the Invincible Sanshiro!!
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