Saiki Kusuo no Sainan

Vol.22 Ch.232 Out of Sync Boy Girl RelaPSIonships (Second Half)

Vol.00 Ch.001 Telepathy Vol.00 Ch.002 Telekinesis Vol.00 Ch.003 X-Ray Vision Vol.00 Ch.004 Precognition Vol.00 Ch.005 Teleportation Vol.00 Ch.006 Clairvoyance Vol.00 Ch.007 Astral Projection Vol.00 Ch.007.1 Mikami Case Files Vol.00 Ch.007.2 Omake 2 Vol.01 Ch.001 The Disaster of a Psi User Vol.01 Ch.002 The Ab-psi-lute Worst!? Nendou Riki Vol.01 Ch.003 The Jet-Black Wing, Kaidou Shun Vol.01 Ch.004 Three Men, a Little Girl, a Policeman and a Dog Vol.01 Ch.005 Notice! The Psigns of Love Vol.01 Ch.006 Hot-Blooded Dodgeball! (Part 1) Vol.01 Ch.007 Hot-Blooded Dodgeball! (Part 2) Vol.01 Ch.008 Fighting for a RePSIval! Vol.01 Ch.008.5 Extra Vol.02 Ch.009 RedePSIgning the Saikis' House! A Dramatic Overhaul!! Vol.02 Ch.010 Deception! Mind-Control Vol.02 Ch.011 How PSIspicious! The Dark Reunion! Vol.02 Ch.012 Beach PSIde Summer Story Vol.02 Ch.013 Gifted With Beauty and Psigacity! Teruhashi Kokomi Vol.02 Ch.014 A Reunion After So Long! Psycher Vol.02 Ch.015 A House Sitting DiPSIster Vol.02 Ch.016 School is Back in PSIssion! Nendou's Melancholy Vol.02 Ch.017 Please Make Me Your DePSIple Vol.02 Ch.018 The Spiritualist From The Next Class Over Vol.02 Ch.018.5 Your House Is Haunted Vol.03 Ch.019 In PSIearch of Hairo Kineshi's Wooden Materials Vol.03 Ch.020 Escape With The Invinpsible Camouflage Vol.03 Ch.021 The Danger in A 3-Month Relationship Vol.03 Ch.022 Burn PK Acdame Sports Fepsitival -Part 1 Vol.03 Ch.023 Burn PK Acdame Sports Fepsitival -Part 2 Vol.03 Ch.024 Burn PK Acdame Sports Fepsitival -The Sequel Vol.03 Ch.025 The Hair that Burned Out Vol.03 Ch.026 Burning Right! Disaster Drill!!! Vol.03 Ch.027 Luxury Coffee "PSI"lly Vol.03 Ch.028 To Prevent a Psisaster Vol.03 Ch.029 Teruhashi-san's Psig Ordeal Vol.03 Ch.029.5 Special Oneshot Improvisational Theatre Vol.04 Ch.030 A Person with Psichic Powers Vol.04 Ch.031 Stop it! The Murder Switch! Vol.04 Ch.032 ExPSIbition! Jump Festa Vol.04 Ch.033 Get excited! PSIlnent night! Vol.04 Ch.034 A PSIreously Annoying New Year's (part 1) Vol.04 Ch.035 A PSIreously Annoying New Year's (part 2) Vol.04 Ch.036 A Pint-PSIzed King Appears Vol.04 Ch.037 PSImply Terrifying! Matsuzaki-sensei Vol.04 Ch.038 Chocolate FePSIvle! Vol.04 Ch.039 The AbPSIlute Worst!? Nendou's Dad Vol.04 Ch.040 No PSIspicion! Saiki Kurumi Vol.04 Ch.040.5 Koro-sensei vs Saiki Kusuo ~the final battle in Iruma~ Vol.05 Ch.041 Telepathy PSIlencer Vol.05 Ch.042 Leave it to Chance! A TroublePSIme Final Exam! Vol.05 Ch.043 Return of the PSIper Star! Vol.05 Ch.044 ImpoPSIble to intervene!? Nendou vs Kaidou! Vol.05 Ch.045 We’ll get back together for PSIure this time! Chouno Uryoku (part 1) Vol.05 Ch.046 We’ll get back together for PSIure this time! Chouno Uryoku (part 2) Vol.05 Ch.047 The State of Mera-san's PSInances. Vol.05 Ch.048 Get ExPSIted! Fitness Test Vol.05 Ch.049 A PSImall Love Story Vol.06 Ch.050 Latest Shitty Game ReleaPSI! Olfana's Story Vol.06 Ch.051 PSI'm Home! Mama Vol.06 Ch.052 The Most PSIuitible for a Confession!? Spiritual Possession Vol.06 Ch.053 Fly! PSIborg Sodaman Mark II Vol.06 Ch.054 PSIki Kusuo's Issues with G♀rls Vol.06 Ch.055 Who is Going to Win? The Destined Group AsPSIgnments Vol.06 Ch.056 All aboard the ESP ExPSIress! Go! Vol.06 Ch.057 PSIardon me! The Okinawan school trip Vol.06 Ch.058 PSIlutations! The Okinawan school trip Vol.06 Ch.059 PSIorry 'bout that! The Okinawan school trip Vol.06 Ch.060 Here we go! The Okinawan PSIchool trip Vol.06 Ch.061 PSI ya Later! The Okinawan School Trip Vol.06 Ch.062 The Biggest Top Rate EnterPSIse? Dad's Work Vol.06 Ch.062.5 Koro-sensei vs Saiki Kusuo ~The Final Battle in Iruma II~ Vol.07 Ch.063 PSIborg Sodaman Mark II vs Mysterious Being Lemonade Vol.07 Ch.064 Saiki Kusuo's Day at the FestPSIval Vol.07 Ch.065 Nice to beat you! OutPSIder Vol.07 Ch.066 Transfer Student ~NiPSI to Meet You~ Vol.07 Ch.067 APSImble! Nendou Family Vol.07 Ch.068 RePSItructuring! Cafe Mami Vol.07 Ch.069 What's the Plan!? A Meeting to DePSIde the Class Project Vol.07 Ch.070 Sing! Reita RePSItal! Vol.07 Ch.071 PK Academy's School FePSIval! (1st half) Vol.07 Ch.072 Make some Noise! PK Academy's School FePSIval! (2nd half) Vol.07 Ch.073 PubliPSIzing the Popularity Contest Results! Vol.08 Ch.074 Let's Go to the Cultural FestPSIval After Party Vol.08 Ch.075 Piece of Cake RePSIcling! Straw Millionaire Vol.08 Ch.076 The Most PSItunningly Beautiful Girl vs the Man Who Will Never Fall ... Vol.08 Ch.077 The Most PSItunningly Beautiful Girl vs the Man Who Will Never Fall ... Vol.08 Ch.078 v2 InnoPSInt or Guilty!? The Burglary Incident Vol.08 Ch.079 ExcerPSIze your Powers! Toritsuka's Plan to Get Popular Vol.08 Ch.080 PSIchic Santa Clause Vol.08 Ch.081 Let's Buy New Home ApPSIances! Vol.08 Ch.082 The New Year PSIcle Vol.08 Ch.083 Kaidou's PSIspicion (1st Half) Vol.08 Ch.084 Kaidou's PSIspicion (2nd Half) Vol.09 Ch.085 The AbPSIlute Worst Employee Vol.09 Ch.086 Ready to Go! Runner's PSI! Vol.09 Ch.087 Teruhashi-san ReviPSIts the Saiki House Vol.09 Ch.088 Press Play! A "Making Of" PSItory Vol.09 Ch.089 Transform! Super PSIze Vol.09 Ch.090 The Peak of ExPSItement! Karaoke Party Vol.09 Ch.091 PSIpporting Re-Education Vol.09 Ch.092 BanPSI! Tsundere Grandpa Vol.09 Ch.093 Welcome to the PSIcluded Theme Park Vol.09 Ch.094 PSIjian! Parting with the Grandparents Vol.09 Ch.095 The PSInnacle of the Golden Age of Heroes! A Fun Party Game Vol.10 Ch.096 ExerPSIze Your Wit! The PK Occult Club Vol.10 Ch.097 The AbPSIlute Worst Chef Vol.10 Ch.098 PSImashing! Surprise Party (First Half) Vol.10 Ch.099 PSImashing! Surprise Party (Second Half) Vol.10 Ch.100 Fear! The Curse of the __th Chapter Vol.10 Ch.101 Court in SesPSIon! The Kokomins Trial Vol.10 Ch.102 The Achromatic InviPSIble Boy Vol.10 Ch.103 The Mad PSIentist Appears! Part 1 Vol.10 Ch.104 The Mad PSIentist Appears! Part 2 Vol.10 Ch.105 The Mad PSIentist Appears! Part 3 Vol.10 Ch.106 ExPSItreme Dash! Battle of Abilities! Vol.11 Ch.107 Please Be PSIlent in the Museum Vol.11 Ch.108 DiPSIster Before Summer Vacation Vol.11 Ch.109 In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Occult Club Part Vol.11 Ch.110 In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Tennis Club Part Vol.11 Ch.111 In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Clinical Trial Part Time Job Part Vol.11 Ch.112 In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Motorcycle Training Course Part Vol.11 Ch.113 In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Teruhashi's Date Part Vol.11 Ch.114 The Famous Rich Son of a BuPSIness Conglomerate Appears! Vol.11 Ch.115 Surpass the UnsurpasPSIble Strength! Vol.11 Ch.116 ReviPSIting! Tsundere Grandpa Vol.11 Ch.117 Talent PSIprouts!? The Melancholy of a Famous Magician Vol.12 Ch.118 The DiPSIster of the Rental Video Store Vol.12 Ch.119 The Ultimate PSInancial Strength of the Saiko Clan Vol.12 Ch.120 Halloween Party In SesPSIon Vol.12 Ch.121 The DiPSIster of Break Time Vol.12 Ch.122 CourtPSIde Love Vol.12 Ch.123 Out of Control Imagination ExerPSIse! Vol.12 Ch.124 First Hand PSIence Fiction Vol.12 Ch.125 First Hand PSIence Fiction (2) Vol.12 Ch.126 First Hand PSIence Fiction (3) Vol.12 Ch.127 Fashion PSInce Out of Stock Vol.12 Ch.128 Osu! Love Challenge Vol.13 Ch.128.1 Terrace House Dust Vol.13 Ch.128.2 What if Saiki Kusuo Went to Shokugeki no Souma's World...!? Vol.13 Ch.129 Another ChriPSItmas Challenge! Vol.13 Ch.130 Your First ExperienPSIs of the New Year are Important Vol.13 Ch.131 The DiPSIster of All You Can Eat Dessert Vol.13 Ch.132 Counter Plan to Prevent a DiPSIster Vol.13 Ch.133 An ExPSIlent Wife and Mother!? Mom's Class Reunion Vol.13 Ch.134 Kaidou and Kuboyasu's PSIspicions Vol.13 Ch.135 The Lost Hamster PSIpeaks in a Country Accent Vol.13 Ch.136 Place to Place! Mini PSIzed Animal Vol.13 Ch.137 The PSIko Corporation Home Visit Vol.13 Ch.138 Come on Over! To PSIko Land Vol.13 Ch.139 Publication CriPSIs!? Shuensha's Work Vol.14 Ch.140 CongratulaPSIons on Your Graduation! Vol.14 Ch.141 Deceit! PSIpril Fools Vol.14 Ch.142 Cutting Through the PSIlence, the Ghost in the Music Room Vol.14 Ch.143 The DiPSIster of Rifuta Imu Vol.14 Ch.144 PSIpring's Ultimate Weapon Vol.14 Ch.145 RePSIcle! Trash Cleanup Competition Vol.14 Ch.146 Gifts From a SenPSIble Wife & a Gifted Man Vol.14 Ch.147 The Mystifying PSIchic Circus (1st Half) Vol.14 Ch.148 The Mystifying PSIchic Circus (2nd Half) Vol.14 Ch.149 CruPSIde! Rifuta vs Teruhashi Vol.14 Ch.150 Massage DiPSIster Vol.15 Ch.151 The PSIko Corporation's Extravagant Cruise Vol.15 Ch.152 The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo Vol.15 Ch.153 The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 2 Vol.15 Ch.154 The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 3 Vol.15 Ch.155 The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 4 Vol.15 Ch.156 Death PSIntence! The PK Academy Newspaper Club Vol.15 Ch.157 PSIcond Round! Time Leap Vol.15 Ch.158 PSIgning Into the Game World Vol.15 Ch.159 Preventing a PSIcam! Vol.15 Ch.160 PSIki Family Gathering!! Vol.15 Ch.161 So Long! The Last Day Of PSIummer Vacation Vol.15 Ch.161.5 The DiPSIster of Teruhashi Kokomi Vol.16 Ch.162 PSIuper Annoying! A Totally Bad News Transfer Student Appears! Vol.16 Ch.163 Slip Past The Aura PSIght! Vol.16 Ch.164 The Delicate CircumPSItances Of Children Vol.16 Ch.165 Train DiPSIster Vol.16 Ch.166 ReleaPSI Your True Power Vol.16 Ch.167 Espers Should ExcerPSIse Extreme Caution (001st Half) Vol.16 Ch.168 Espers Should ExcerPSIse Extreme Caution (002nd Half) Vol.16 Ch.169 The Rural Mad PSIentist Vol.16 Ch.170 The Library DiPSIster Vol.16 Ch.171 UnPSIghtly, A Bolt From the Blue Vol.16 Ch.172 The Calamity of the Silent PSIborg Vol.17 Ch.173 Let's Go! PK Academy PSIkickers! Vol.17 Ch.174 Hoping You Get Well PSIoon!! Vol.17 Ch.175 PSImall but Clever! The Adventures of Riki Jr. Mark II Vol.17 Ch.176 PSIolving the Biggest Riddle! (001st Half) Vol.17 Ch.177 PSIolving the Biggest Riddle! (002nd Half) Vol.17 Ch.178 A Battle Between the Two AbPSIlutely Worst People Vol.17 Ch.179 Winter DiPSIster Vol.17 Ch.180 A Miraculously Normal PerPSIon Appears! Vol.17 Ch.181 Heart Pounding RelaPSIonship Announcement Vol.17 Ch.182 The Best Possible PSIpport!? Vol.17 Ch.183 The PSIper Wallet Warrior 100 Yen Man Vol.17 Ch.184 The DiPSIster of Satou Hiroshi Vol.17 Ch.185 Vol.18 Ch.186 Mera ChiPSIto's Reunion (1st Half) Vol.18 Ch.187 Mera ChiPSIto's Reunion (2nd Half) Vol.18 Ch.188 The DiPSIster of a Beginner Mangaka Vol.18 Ch.189 AsPSImble! The Ultimate Spot Reservists Vol.18 Ch.190 PrefaPSIng the End Vol.18 Ch.191 Building the PSItrongest Deck! Vol.18 Ch.192 The Die is Cast...! A FeroPSIous Card Battle Vol.18 Ch.193 The Ultimate Trial of the PSIko Clan Vol.18 Ch.194 Vol.18 Ch.195 Vol.19 Ch.196 The PSIperior Love Contest Vol.19 Ch.197 Vol.19 Ch.198 ReconPSItructing the Baseball Club! (First Part) Vol.19 Ch.199 ReconPSItructing the Baseball Club! (Middle Part) Vol.19 Ch.200 ReconPSItructing the Baseball Club! (Final Part) Vol.19 Ch.201 Vol.19 Ch.202 Class DiPSIster Vol.19 Ch.203  PSIearching for a Romantic Partner... Vol.19 Ch.204 The Perfect PrePSInt for a Beloved Little PSIster Vol.19 Ch.205 ReIntroduPSIng the Spirit Medium Vol.20 Ch.206 The DiPSIster of UPSIless ESP Vol.20 Ch.207 InPSIde the Secret Hideout Vol.20 Ch.208 ReviPSIting! The Older Brother's 5 Trials Vol.20 Ch.209 Vol.20 Ch.210 The Annoying Transfer PSItudent! Akechi Touma Vol.20 Ch.211 Still Annoying! Transfer PSItudent Vol.20 Ch.212 Dad's New ProfesPSIon!? Vol.20 Ch.213 The DiPSIster of the Kaidou Siblings Vol.20 Ch.214 Image Change TranPSIformation Girl 2 Vol.20 Ch.215 Sweet Potato Digging DiPSIster Vol.20 Ch.216 PK Academy School Cultural FestPSIval Preparation Part Vol.21 Ch.217 PK Academy School Cultural FestPSIval Practice Part Vol.21 Ch.218 PK Academy School Cultural FestPSIval Performance Part Vol.21 Ch.219 Video Game DiPSIster Vol.21 Ch.220 HypnoPSIs Exchange! (Part One) Vol.21 Ch.221 HypnoPSIs Exchange! (Part Two) Vol.21 Ch.222 Let's Reinvent the MaPSIcot Character Vol.21 Ch.223 Vol.21 Ch.224 Vol.21 Ch.225 PSIlebrating the End of the Year! New Year's Eve Vol.21 Ch.226 A PSIlent New Year Vol.21 Ch.227 ReviPSIt! Gradparent's Travel Log Vol.22 Ch.228 Vol.22 Ch.229 No Need for Bath Salts! Taking a Dip in the PSIcret Hot Springs Vol.22 Ch.230 Returning the Favor! Toritsuka's Fasting ExerPSIze Vol.22 Ch.231 Out of Sync Boy Girl RelaPSIonships (First Half) Vol.22 Ch.232 Out of Sync Boy Girl RelaPSIonships (Second Half) Vol.22 Ch.233 Vol.22 Ch.234 Do Some RePSIearch! The Super Idol's Secret Vol.22 Ch.235 Vol.22 Ch.236 Read the PSIgns! Aiura Mikoto's Fortune Telling Vol.22 Ch.237 PrefaPSIng the End (2) Vol.23 Ch.238 Vol.23 Ch.239 The DiPSIster of the School Physical Vol.23 Ch.240 Don't Forget your Birthday PrePSInt! Vol.23 Ch.241 DiviPSIon strategy, start! Vol.23 Ch.242 Vol.23 Ch.243 Welcome to PSIbespace Vol.23 Ch.244 The Hero DiPSIster Vol.23 Ch.245 Trending on a Streaming PSIte Vol.23 Ch.246 ConPSItructing an Unusual Day Vol.23 Ch.247 ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (First Part) Vol.23 Ch.248 ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (Middle Part) Vol.23 Ch.249 ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (Middle Part 2) Vol.23 Ch.250 ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (Final Part) Vol.24 Ch.251 Vol.24 Ch.252 Proudly Presenting our Clay PSIculptures Vol.24 Ch.253 Vol.24 Ch.254 Vol.24 Ch.255 Vol.24 Ch.256 Let's get PSIrealized in Jump! Vol.24 Ch.257 Suzumiya Hii - Unlucky Girl (new character) Part 1 Vol.24 Ch.258 Vol.24 Ch.259 Vol.24 Ch.260 Vol.24 Ch.261 Vol.24 Ch.262 Vol.25 Ch.263 Vol.25 Ch.264 Please Go Watch the Live ActPSIon movie! Vol.25 Ch.265 To Each Their Own. MiscPSIllaneous Career Paths! Vol.25 Ch.266 Spending The Day Horsing Around with a Friend Vol.25 Ch.267 The Battle Between DiPSIster and PerfecPSIon!! Vol.25 Ch.268 Serious arc Vol.25 Ch.269 Serious arc part 2 Vol.25 Ch.270 Serious arc part 3 Vol.25 Ch.271 Serious arc part 4 Vol.25 Ch.272 Serious arc part 5 Vol.25 Ch.272.5 The Detrimental Environments for Minors Regulation Act Vol.25 Ch.273 Vol.26 Ch.274 Vol.26 Ch.275 Vol.26 Ch.276 Vol.26 Ch.277 Vol.26 Ch.278 2 day trip to Oshimai Part 3 Vol.26 Ch.279 2 day trip to Oshimai Part 4 - Final Chapter [END] Vol.26 Ch.279.5 Vol.26 Ch.280 Vol.26 Ch.281
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